Introduction to the Marketing Lyfe Podcast Ep. 86
Episode 86 of the marketing life podcast. This is to Timothy, your host. And today guys, we’re gonna be talking about averages for email marketing. So some statistics that I found online cause I was actually curious people average as far as like open rates, go click through rates, go on, bounce rates, different things like that. So it’s always any more time and dive right in.
Email is Still Going and Alive
So guys, this question came to me earlier this week and I was just, I started Googling it. I’m like, I’m curious to know like what benchmarks people are hitting, what are some of their benchmarks when it comes to email marketing? And surprisingly, um, in my opinion it’s still, it’s still going. Some people say email is dead. I say nah, I, I think email is always going to work.
I think these numbers are going to kind of hold across the board as far as email marketing goes. Are they going to get back into the 80 90 percentile? No, I’m pretty sure I, if I had to guess back in the day when it first came out, you had way high click through rates and open rates and they were just through the roof.
Industry Standards
But right now from what I’m seeing, I actually found, and I’m using Mel chimps data that they have as far as industry standards and things like that, just kind of to give you guys a benchmark for open rates as well. Note, this was released in 2008 so it’s almost been a year, um, since they’ve gone in and updated this. But it’s still, in my opinion, a pretty solid benchmark that you can go after.
Open Rates
So basically as far as open rates go, what we’re, what they’re seeing in all of the industries across the board is anywhere from, I’m seeing 15% and the highest benchmark that I’m seeing on their data is around 26% so 18 to 26% on an open break. So what does that Intel, if you’re new to online marketing, basically someone opens the email once it’s sent to them. So we’re talking two and 10 people. Two out of 10 are actually going to open up that email. So open rates around 20%, shoot for that.
Click Through Rates (CTR)
The next one I looked up on the same spreadsheet is a click through rate. So basically they’re clicking on their open the email and then they’re clicking the links and going to your website. So this was shockingly lower than I thought. Um, basically the industry standard here on click through rate is around there’s anywhere from one to 3%. That’s kind of the standard people clicking to the website from the email. So again, super low, um, as far as that goes.
The Unsubscribe Rates
And last but not least, the unsubscribe rate. So the unsubscribe rate is pretty, pretty low and pretty promising for all of us. So it’s actually 0.21% is like the lowest and the highest is like 0.3, 4%. So the unsubscribe rates are really low. So what that tells us, what that tells me in my opinion is a lot of people have yet to find that unsubscribe button down at the bottom of the email that you’re supposed to have for industry standard. Right? Um, but what I want to talk about is email marketing a little bit deeper. Um, from my personal beliefs with email marketing and things like that.
Send Emails Weekly to Audience
So obviously these numbers are semi low as far as open rates go and click through rates go. But how I personally look at it is where email marketing succeeds is when you’re constantly nurturing these people. So a lot of people just send like one email and then they might send an email in the next five, six months. And in my opinion, it’s like, no, you need to be sending out emails on a weekly or biweekly basis.
More Emails Equals Better Clicks
So the thing is, yeah, your open rates are going to maintain, they might maintain the same open rate, but your click through rates going to stay the same. And again, you’re going to be driving people back to your website. So if you can send more emails, you’re going to get more open rates. Technically you’re gonna get more people opening it and you’re going to get more people clicking to your website and so on and so forth.
What should you do about unsubscribers from your mailing list?
And you might say, well Taylor, people might start on unsubscribing from, from our mailing list. And in my opinion, if they unsubscribe, they’re not a buyer anymore. They have officially unboxed your product and they’re done. They’re done buying your products. And on top of that you’re having to pay for them to be in your list and PR potentially, in my opinion, why wouldn’t you want them off of your list if they’re never going to buy your products or service because you’re having to pay for those people in your CRM. So that’s just how I look at it.
Tip and Trick To Increase Open Rates
And then some simple tips and tricks I want to share with you guys to help open rates increase.
Free Offers
Um, you’re giving away free products or service and continuing to nurture those people. So if you do an like a free offer, like a free quote, free something, a lot of times I’ve seen higher open rates for these types of emails and higher click through rates as well. So the more free stuff you’re giving away is a little tip and trick that you guys can get your open rates up and your CTRs up as well. So thanks guys for listening to episode 86 of the marketing life podcasts.
Conclusion to the Marketing Lyfe Podcast Ep. 86
So guys, just a quick reminder before you guys take off. Again, thank you so much for listening to this podcast. I appreciate it. I’ve been pushing hard, um, if you guys haven’t noticed yet. No, I’ve been releasing podcasts every Tuesday and Thursday now to try and push myself a little bit harder and deliver more value and continue growing myself personally. So thanks guys for listening.
If you guys will please leave a review or anything like that, that’s just going to help me out and, and continue pushing this podcast are there and farther. Other than that, guys, if you haven’t checked out my online marketing master course, go over and check that out. Basically it’s continue you guys. Everything you need to know from start to finish with online marketing and if you really wanted to become a full time online marketer and you could by taking this course. So thanks guys for listening and peace.
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