Introduction To The Marketing Lyfe Podcast

Episode 53 of the marketing life podcast. This is Taylor Timothy, your host. And today guys, we’re going to be talking about the digital marketing process. Basically my process of creating ads from start to finish and kind of what I do throughout that time. So let’s not waste any more time guys and dive right in.

1. Create

So the first thing I want to talk about is the creating stage. So when you guys first start with a campaign, you guys need to crew start creating things, right?

Lead Magnet

So the first thing you guys need to create, what I believe you should create is an offer lead magnet. So back on episode 36 I talk a lot about this. So you need to have some sort of offer that you can get people’s emails, their name, their phone number, and you can start building your list.

Ad Copy

The second thing you guys need to do is create the ad copy. So now that you have your offer, you create your ad copy around your offer and touching all those pain points that people are dealing with.

Landing Page

Then the third thing you do is you create your landing page, so your landing page layout, basically your buttons, your colors, the proper headlines, the proper layout, and then you go into the video creation stage.


You create your videos for all of those landing pages and your ads as well.


The fifth thing you do is you start creating your audiences. You figure out, okay, who do I need to target? Who’s this going to help? And you go out and you build your audiences.

2. Set Up Ads

Facebook Ads

The second thing you do is you create your Facebook ads,

Instagram Ads

you create your Instagram ads,

Google Paid Ads

create Google paid ads,

YouTube Ads

you create your youtube ads, you go in there and you set up all of those ads. Then once you’re done with that, you press go.

3. Analyze The Data

And one of the famous marketers out there, his name’s Keith Krantz, he said, ready, fire, aim. So basically you shoot and then you make adjustments as you go. So that goes into the third step.

Make Adjustments As You Go

You analyze the data, so you have to make adjustments. You have to turn ads on, you have to turn ads off, you have to create new audiences and you have to continue testing until you have enough data.

Know Your KPI’s (Key Performance Indicator)

So that leads me to number two, you have to know your KPIs. So back on episode 24 we talked about key performance indicators. So the things that trigger you and make you go, this ad isn’t working, this ad isn’t working. We need to make adjustments. You need to know your KPIs so you can make adjustments.

4. Rinse and Repeat

And then it goes back to rinsing and repeating. So the rinse and repeat, I mean sometimes you restart everything and you restart that whole entire process until you start generating leads and sells for your business.

Trial and Error Process

So one of the things you guys need to realize when it comes to this process is that it’s and error, unfortunately. So you have to literally spend money to learn, to get data, to continue this online marketing process. So the reason why in this process as well, I always test ads on Facebook and Instagram, Google paid and youtube is because you get different results from everything.

Different KPI’s Work At Different Times In Your Marketing Campaigns

So there’s been campaigns that I’ve set up in the past where Instagram performs better than Facebook. There’s been times in the past where Youtube performs better than Facebook and Instagram. There’s been times that Google paid outperforms everything else.

So you have to continue going through and testing things over and over and over again. So one of the things that makes this process that much better is the more offers you have, the better the results.

Create More Value To Gain More Trust

So what I found, the more value you’re giving through these offers, the more you’re going to gain their trust, the more the client is going to believe that you are the expert and that you can deliver the best results to them. So a lot of times people get stuck on one offer and that offer might be working for a year, but then all of a sudden it stops working and they put all their eggs in one basket on that one offer, and now they’re going, they’re running backwards to go try and figure out what’s going on.

Create Offers All The Time

Right? So I am a huge believer that you need to be creating offers all the time. My goal is to have 20 offers coming through my brand. So free guides, free checklists, free x, Y, Z, whatever it is, go out there and create offers and then start this process. I promise you guys, this works. This is how online marketing works. If someone goes through this process once and isn’t making adjustments and they don’t know their KPIs, then you need to make adjustments there. If it’s in your own business, figure out those KPIs, figure out what is going to work for you, what’s going to work for your client. And that’s one of the super important aspects as well as just knowing those KPIs.

Conclusion To Ep. 53 The Digital Marketing Process

So guys, if you guys have any questions for me, this is going to wrap up episode 53 about this entire process. If you have questions, feel free to reach out to me. DM me on Instagram DME on Facebook. I’m here to help guys. Honestly, I am here to help. So if you guys need help with any of this, setting up a website, learning how to run paid traffic, no learning and knowing your KPIs.

Go and check out my course. I talk about all this stuff in my course and I walk you guys through my process from start to finish. So thanks guys again for listening to episode 53 and don’t forget to smile today guys, and peace.

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