Introduction To The Marketing Lyfe Podcast Ep. 34

Episode 34 of the marketing life podcast. This is Taylor Timothy, your host. And today we’re going to be talking about site optimization and landing page optimization as well. So let’s not waste any more time right in. So we are going to be talking about a few things today. We’re going to be talking about images. We’re going to be talking about above the fold. We’re going to be talking about the five second test. We’re going to be talking about web hosts, we’re gonna be talking about mobile optimization. We’re going to be talking about sliders on your website. We’re gonna be talking about load speeds and we’re going to be talking about custom coding websites.

Images On Your Landing Pages

So basically starting off today with images, what am I talking about? Images. So using images on your site, using images on your landing page. One of the biggest problems I see across the board, and I know a lot of marketers see this too, is that people use too big of images on their websites. So they’re using like almost the raw files, you know, these images or you know, eight k, four k size images that the website has to load. And so this is one of the biggest problems I’m seeing across the board is using too large of images.

So there’s a balance between having your images too big and cutting the quality down too. So you have to find that happy medium of image size. And maybe you sacrifice a little bit of quality in the image to make sure your load speeds are faster. So kind of what I have found, um, with images is using images on the width around 1200 and the height is around 700 pixels. And then the image quality is usually 50 kb to like 80 kb. So these images are a lot smaller. They’re going to look beautiful on a mobile side, on desktop. They’re not, maybe not look, you know, super clean and crisp, but you know, it’s all about those load speeds and making sure those, that website or landing page loads fast enough.

So that’s the first thing is images go make sure your images are looking great. They’re not too big and your load speeds are faster because of your images.

Above The Fold With Online And Mobile

The next thing we’re going to talk about is above the fold. So one of the things that we see across the board, the I’ve seen is basically nothing is above the fold. So what is above the fold?

So right when you get on a landing page, you need to make sure all your call to actions, all the most important information. Your basically make sure that your USP, your unique selling proposition is up there above the fold buttons above the fold and maybe your video as well as above the fold. So on desktop basically you shouldn’t have to scroll down. Everything should be right there in front of your face.

Now flipping over to mobile, this same thing needs to apply. So making sure all of your information that is most important, what you’re trying to get people to download, you know, a free consultation, whatever it is, make sure all of that information is above the fold on mobile and over on desktop. Realize that mobile is taking over. We see an increase every day of more mobile users. On our websites. So make sure that everything is above the fold.

Five Second Test

The next thing we’re going to talk about is the five second test. So what does the five second test?

The five second test is kind of going with above the fold. The second they land on your website within five seconds, they need to know what your business is, what they do. They need to see your unique selling proposition right when they get on your landing page. So making sure that you can identify the business, the offer, you know, within five seconds. You know, keep it simple and this is also going to help your, your conversions go up as well. Um, making sure you can pass the five second test.

Good Web Hosting

The next thing I want to talk about is web host. So I know a few episodes back, I talked about web host on episode number 30 recently, making sure you guys have a good web host that’s going to help your website load really fast.

So crappy web hosts, a lot of times your site’s not going to load fast. You can do all the right things to make sure that your website is optimized properly, but your servers are not allowing to have your website load fast enough. So make sure you guys go out there, get a good web host, make sure that your sites are going to be loading fast enough for your users. So good web host is that’s going to wrap that one up.

Mobile Optimization

The next thing is mobile optimization, so making sure your website is mobile friendly. This kind of goes back a little bit with above the fold, but on a mobile device or a tablet, you need to make sure that everything looks clean and it looks good across the board.

If your website is not mobile friendly, you are literally shooting yourself in the foot. So don’t do that. Make sure you guys ha like I will. I do. After I build a website, I send myself the URL and I go look at it as well on my phone. So the theme I use allows me to make adjustments and kind of see how it would look on a mobile side. But I still pull that website up on a tablet and I pull that website up on a mobile phone to make sure everything is mobile optimized and everything looks clean. So a highly recommend doing that. Make sure your website is mobile friendly.

No Sliders On Your Website

The next thing I want to talk about is sliders. So a lot of people love the look of sliders. They, they think it makes your website look more professional. I can agree. Some sliders I’ve seen are awesome and you know a lot of animated images on your website, but I hate to tell you guys this, but it slows down your website. When you use sliders on your website, it slows it down, it slows down your load speeds and it causes tons of issues.  So find different ways to deliver that message without using sliders, without using animated type images on your websites just because it slows down. So no sliders guys.

Load Speeds

Uh, next thing I want to talk about his load speeds. So making sure your website loads fast enough. So what does that Intel, I would highly recommend, the faster your website can load, the better it’s going to be. So your site optimization, your landing page optimization is going to be faster if your load speeds are faster.

So you know, going back, making sure you’re not using sliders, images and you probably like, Whoa, what’s fast? Right? So there is a tool out there called Google sites speeds. Google has a free tool out there you can go through and test. Now is this perfectly accurate? No, but it gives you a good idea how fast your website is loading, how Google friendly, you know, your website is also Google analytics does the same. So you can go into Google analytics, pull up your pages and you can also see the load speeds on a Google analytics side of things as well. So go and make sure your load speeds are great on all your pages. You should make sure your load speeds are great and that’s going to wrap up the load speeds.

No Custom Code For Your Website

Next, and last and foremost, you guys know I’m an advocate of this, but custom code, not a huge fan of it. Um, if you can make your website do all these things through custom code, that’s great. But in the long run I just recommend not custom coding. Um, just because of load speeds, different things like that, making sure your website is mobile friendly and all those different things. Yes you can make a happen through custom code, but you’re going to spend a lot of time and a lot of money making this happen.

So Google is always changing. The algorithms are always changing. So custom code is also going to have to be always changing all the time. So I just recommend using a theme out there that you can find that does everything you want it to do.

I always recommend the theme Devi. I don’t even get paid to say that by recommend that. So that’s going to wrap up this episode. Just to recap, make sure your images are mobile, are optimized, make sure everything’s above the fold. Five second test, make sure when they come there they you know exactly what is going on on the website, the offer, what you do. Make sure you have good web hosts. Make sure your websites mobile friendly. Make sure you have no sliders, your load speeds are great and no custom code. So thanks guys for listening and peace.


Thanks guys for listening to episode number 34 site optimization and landing page optimization. If you guys want to see how I do this process from start to finish, you know, making sure my images are great, everything is above the fold. Everything we talked about in this episode, go over and check out my course. It is done on top of that. If you guys don’t realize this, I also include three hours of coaching inside this course. So you buy the course. I walked, I give you guys three hours of my time where you guys can ask any questions and I am honestly here to help. I want to help you guys generate more cells and more leads for your businesses. Thanks guys for listening and peace.

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