Introduction to the Marketing Lyfe Podcast Ep. 142

Okay. Episode one 42 of the marketing life podcast. This is Taylor Timothy, your host. And today, guys, we’re gonna be talking about Facebook ads with the call only feature. So I’m a huge fan of generating phone calls, but we are going to dive in and I’m going to share my thoughts on it. These things actually are going work. So it’s always sending more time and dive right in.

What is the Call Only Feature?

So guys I’ve been running these ads for about a month. Now we’ve spent over $500 and we haven’t got an admission. So these are in the addiction treatment space. Basically it’s a call only feature where inside of Facebook, when they click on the ad, they press the button and they, it prompts them to actually call.

Call Only Feature Effective on Google Ads

Now, in my own opinion, these ads are super effective over on Google, basically. That’s where this and my opinion, this is where this actually came from. They got the idea from Google and then they tried to implement it inside of Facebook.

Can These Ads Work?

Now, in this particular instance, like I said, it hasn’t been working like we want it to, we get lots of clicks, but no phone calls. So this is my theory on these ads. Can these ads work? Absolutely, absolutely. It can work. It’s Facebook. You just got to do it the right way. So why isn’t it working for me? Well, in my opinion, this particular industry that we’re running it in is a little bit more cautious.

Let’s say. they don’t want to divulge their information there. They’re kind of feeling like they’re having a hard time making that decision to actually come into treatment. So they need more of a subtle approach. They need more of a just like, Hey message or fill out a form kind of thing.

Remarket Your Ads with Call Only Ads

Um, but in this instance it might work with other things. And now my, in my own opinion, like as far as it goes, like if it were me, I’d be highly recommending to companies to do remarketing ads with these types of ads. So the call ne for remarketing, cause the thing is like the difference between the Google call and the campaigns and the Facebook call and they campaigns is their search intent.

Search Intent

So the thing is like over on, on Google, we can run ads to after specific keywords that people are actually searching for a lot of times on Facebook, they’re scrolling and then they’re stopping and then they’re asking themselves, do I need this? So that’s my own opinion.

Like as far as these ads go, are they, if I had to put more money in my Google ad campaign for call me if I’m really needing phone calls, I probably would do that more than, than Facebook. So I believe that, um, using these types of campaigns will be more effective in the remarketing standpoint of just people.

Another Option for Call Only Campaigns

Maybe they visited you and didn’t call, um, like a type of ad. I’d probably create for that as like, Hey, if you have, Hey, we saw you came to our website, but you didn’t fill out our form or anything. Is there any questions that we can do and basically prompt them to do it that way? So that’s all, all in all. That’s um, that’s what I’ve noticed.


These campaigns have actually been around on Facebook for quite some time. They were only under the reach feature, but now that they’ve like slowly implemented it more and more it’s now under the, the link click feature, you can get the call only type ad. So you guys go over, check that out. If you guys are producing massive results or crazy results with these call only Facebook campaigns. Let me know. I would love to hear what you guys are doing.

Conclusion to the Marketing Lyfe Podcast Ep. 142

And other than that, yeah, Guys, that’s going to wrap up this episode episode one 42 of the marketing life podcast. Thanks guys. And peace.

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